Iron Man Wiki

This Article is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999) - the universe that takes place within the MCU franchise. It is therefore regarded as Official and Canon Content, and is connected to all other MCU related subjects.

The Audi R8 e-tron is famous model of the German car brand, Audi. It is currently Tony Stark's main car, and uses it to drive mainly to wherever he wants to go to in the United States.

It was seen in the end of Iron Man 3, when Tony drives it to visit his old Malibu home and pickup a few things. The Audi R8 e-tron is the third Audi R8 model Tony has owned in the film franchise.


Before Iron Man 3[]

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Iron Man 3[]

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  • There are no current notes available on this topic, as of the moment.


  • Tony's Red Audi R8 e-tron's plate number is Stark 16.



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External Links[]

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